For many fisheries and club waters throughout the UK, Carp are one of the most popular choices of stock fish. We breed carp for sale up to 16lb in weight, please take the time to read the information below and visit each carp gallery by clicking the images below.
Match Sized Carp, Sizes & Prices:
6-8 Inch: £2.50
8 - 10" £4.00
1lb + £6.00 per lb
For Specimen Carp please see galleries below.
White Water Fisheries Ltd is NOT a VAT registered company so VAT does not apply to prices. Discounts available on large orders please contact us for details.
Larger orders of fish can be delivered in our purpose built fish trailer to ensure the fish arrive stress free and in the best condition possible. Delivery will be charged at 60p per mile or orders over £3000 will be free of charge up to 100 miles each way.
*Minimum order value £1000.00
What We Do
Specimen Carp For Sale
For Specimen Carp Prices please see galleries below.
We understand that our fishery clients all have different requirements, so if you’re looking for Carp for sale to introduce into your fishery simply give us a call. We can fulfill most requirements, and would be happy to chat to you about how our fish are reared and cared for so you know they will make a great addition to your fishery or fishing club.
We carefully manage our fishery to ensure high standards of hygiene and quality surroundings to give our Carp the best start in life. They are fed a varied and nutrient rich diet ensuring they reach a great size, and all our fish and waters are regularly inspected and given a health certificate by fish biologists. So you can rest assured that introducing Carp from White Water to your fishery will be disease free and a great catch for your anglers!
We give our Carp the very best start in life, and as a result they have been known to go out into the wild and grow by as much as 8lb per summer.
We know that the weight gain of our large Carp is very much dependent on how much food is available, the quality of the natural food or the supplement feed that is available to them.
That’s why we maximise their potential by ensuring our Carp for sale are given the best nutrients for growth and health at the right times. We begin by feeding the Carp on Brine Shrimp, before transferring them to our special fertilised farm pond. Here they are fed Rotifer and Daphnia which ensures they get all the natural nutrients they would need in the wild. Following this, they are weaned on to a high protein, high vitamin and mineral diet which is specially formulated to get the optimum growth out of a small fish.
Match Sized Carp, Sizes & Prices:
6-8 Inch: £2.50
8 - 10" £4.00
1lb + £6.00 per lb
White Water Fisheries Ltd is NOT a VAT registered company so VAT does not apply to prices. Discounts available on large orders please contact us for details.
Larger orders of fish can be delivered in our purpose built fish trailer to ensure the fish arrive stress free and in the best condition possible. Delivery will be charged at 60p per mile or orders over £3000 will be free of charge up to 100 miles each way.
*Minimum order value £1000.00
Growing Healthy Carp
Growing a large and healthy Carp specimen isn’t an accident. We put a lot of care and effort into making sure our Carp for sale are given the right nutrients for each stage of their life whilst in our fishery. When the fish are small they have the ability to digest higher protein pellets (45% – 50%), enabling them to grow much faster than an adult fish so they can reach a greater size and maximise their growth potential whilst young. This is nature’s way of allowing the Carp to get beyond the size of a predator’s prey.
Once the fish has reached a certain size (about 4”- 6”) their digestion starts to change and they are now unable to digest such high levels of protein. At this stage the diet is changed to a lower protein diet of around 35% – 40%. As the Carp grows bigger it becomes less efficient at converting food eaten to weight gained.
For example 2017’s conversion on 1lb-2lb Carp for sale was around 1300-1400kg of feed to produce 1000kg of Carp. As the fish got bigger 3lb-6lb the conversion rate went out to around 1600-1800kg of feed to produce 1000kg of Carp.
Our Quality Carp Process
Our production methods ensure that we offer only the highest quality farmed Carp from the team at White Water Fishery and that the only time our fish have seen wild conditions is when they get introduced into your pond or lake.
Our meticulous processes mean you get the assurance of a large, healthy fish and we provide our customers with complete peace of mind that our fish have complete traceability from fry to fish. You can rest assured the Carp for sale at White Water are disease-free, healthy young Carp that will live a long happy life providing the environment is right.
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